The Book that Changed the World

Tyndale said:-                                                                                                                                                “If God spare my life over many years. I will cause a boy that drives the plough to know more of the scripture than thou doest” (The Clergy of the day).

1611 – 2011: 400 Years of the King James Bible

King James Bible Facts                                                                                                                                  The most popular Bible translation.
 The translation was ordered by King James I of England in 1604.
 First published in 1611 A.D.
 More than 100 original 1611 King James Bibles are in existence today.
 1814 is the earliest recorded date of it being called “King James Version” or “Authorized Version”.
 Prior to the 1611 King James Bible, most churches did not have Bibles.
 A committee of 54 translators worked for 7 years to complete the King James translation. Tyndale’s & The Geneva Bible were used as reference texts.

Quotes about the King James Bible

• “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”― Ronald Reagan

• “But for this book we could not know right from wrong.” “I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from The Saviour of the world is communicated to us through this Book.”― Abraham Lincoln

• “There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in his service. We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them. . . . Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God’s Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it. From such folly deliver us, O Lord. . . .”― Charles H. Spurgeon

• “The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home.”― Augustine of Hippo

• “It ain’t the parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it’s the parts that I do understand.”― Mark Twain
• “Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the Christian.”― Dwight Lyman Moody

• “The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.”― Dwight Lyman Moody.

• “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.”― Charles H. Spurgeon.

• “You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilisations to pieces turn the world upside down and bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of literature.”― Mahatma Gandhi.