Scripture helps for our human needs. These needs may be at times when we are tempted by Satan, are afraid of what lies ahead, sorrowful for the loss of a loved one or a multitude of other human emotions. For these times, the following verses have been provided. They are from the New International Version (NIV).
Specific Needs
Adultery | Matthew 5:27-32 | Fear | Luke 12:5 |
Adversity | Matthew 10:16-39 | Flesh | Romans 13:14 |
Anger | Matthew 5:22-24 | Greed | Luke 12:15-31 |
Anxiety | Matthew 6:19-34 | Hatred | Romans 12 |
Conceit | Luke 18:9-14 | Intemperance | Proverbs 20:1 |
False Confidence | Matthew 7:24-27 | Judging | Matthew 7:1 |
Covetousness | Mark 7:21-23 | Lip-Service | Matthew 7:21 |
Crime | Matthew 15:17-20 | Lust | Mark 4:18,19 |
Death | John 11:25,26 | Pride | I John 2:15-17 |
Deceit | Matthew 23:27,28 | Revenge | Matthew 5:43-48 |
Depravity | John 3:19-21 | Self-Exultation | Luke 14:11 |
Divorce | Mark 10:2-12 | Self-Righteousness | Luke 18:11,12 |
Doubt | Matthew 14:28-31 | Sin | John 8:34-36 |
Drunkenness | Luke 21:34-36 | Submission | I Peter 2:13-17 |
Enemies | Matthew 5:43-48 | Swearing | Colossians 3:8 |
Excuses | Luke 14:15-24 | Temptation | I Corinthians 10:13 |
Extravagance | I Timothy 6:7-12 | Tribulation | John 16:33 |
Falsehood | Revelation 21:8 | Worldliness | I John 2:15-17 |
Faultfinding | Matthew 7:1-5 |
Christian Virtues and Character