1384 John Wycliffe: Reformation Morningstar
1466 Erasmus
1517 Martin Luther: Monumental Reformer
1525 William Tyndale, God’s Outlaw
1531 Zwingli Perished by the Sword
1536 William Tyndale: Father of the English Bible
1536 John Calvin Leads Geneva Reform
1556 John Knox’s Friends Turn the TablesS
1738 John Wesley’s Heart Strangely Warmed
1738 Charles Wesley
1780 Thomas Chalmers and the Scots Church
1792 William Carey Preached Deathless Sermon
1803 George Müller: God Alone Our Patron
Dwight L. Moody (1837–1899)[
C.H. Spurgeon (1834–1892)