Short Sermons


15 minute sermons by Richard Bewes; Rico Tice; Dr Paul BlacKham; Roger Carswell; Gordon Bridger; Alex Ross; Andy Dow; Barry Copper; Keith Garner; Liam Goligher.

Richard Bewes – All Souls London

Rico Tice – All Souls London

Dr Paul Blackham – Worked with Richard Bewes at All Souls London

Roger Carswell is an itinerant evangelist taking university and church missions in many parts of the UK and beyond.

Who is God part 1

Who is God part 2

Significance of Life
Gordon Bridger  studied theology at Cambridge University. After ordination he served in a number of churches before becoming Principal of Oak Hill Theological College.

Alex Ross began in Christian ministry on the edge of London and has been involved in work with the Billy Graham team.

Andy Dow became a Christian through a British nationwide union of Bible classes set up to reach young people from non believing homes. It was at Oxford University that he felt God’s call to ministry.

Barry Copper is an author and speaker who currently works for Christianity Explored Ministries,

Keith Garner – Wesley Mission Sydney Australia

Liam Goligher – Keswick Convension Speaker